
March 17, 2020

EPWSA – COVID-19 Statement

EPWSA takes the safety and welfare of our community and our employees seriously. We are monitoring the coronavirus issue closely and proactively implementing safety measures in accordance with CDC recommendations. We recognize that many of our customers may wish to limit public interactions as much as possible until this threat passes.

While our main office at 663 Godfrey Rd will be open for normal business hours during the coming weeks, we wanted to remind you that EPWSA has many convenient options to address your utility needs.

  • Call us at (706)485-5252, Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
  • Visit us online at where you can establish, transfer and disconnect services with us
  • Pay your bill by phone at 1-855-819-0768
  • Use our dropbox at the main office on 663 Godfrey Rd (please do not deposit cash in the drop box)

We are always here to help and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.


About amoss

***OFFICIAL NOTICE*** EPWSA now has a new billing system. You will need to RE-REGISTER your account online using your NEW 10-digit account number that is on your new bill. You can email if you need a copy of your bill. If you were set up on automatic credit/debit card payments,  you will need to sign up for that service again through the new system.